NH Goel

Academic excellence starts here

At our school, our top priority is to provide a safe, disciplined, and productive learning environment for our students. To achieve this goal, we maintain a set of golden guidelines and a code of conduct. These rules are carefully made to help every student learn and grow well, both in their studies and as a person.

Code of conduct

Wear the school uniform on designated days and choose appropriate casual clothing. Keep the shoes and socks clean.

Communicate primarily in English to improve language skills and ensure effective communication.

Avoid littering and use designated bins for trash.

 Walk in a single file while moving around the school.

Turn off lights and air conditioning when leaving a room.

Wear the complete school uniform, including your I-card.

Take care of school property to maintain a positive learning environment.

For Boys
1. Keep hair short and well-groomed.


For Girls
1. Short hair: Trim and use a black hairband. Pin loose strands.
2. Long hair: Oil, comb, and plait it with a black band or ribbon.
3. Avoid ponytails.
4. Wear black cycling shorts when required.

The golden rules

Speak in English

Be gentle with others

Be kind and helpful

Listen and don't interrupt

Be honest

Work hard and don't waste time

Care for school property

Keep surroundings clean

The essential guidelines for parents

Limit calls at school for emergencies only. Discourage students from using the school phone for personal items.
Students can use computers for educational purposes only, avoiding inappropriate content.
No toys, electronics, or valuables allowed. Money, if needed, should be deposited with a mentor.
Parent/guardian permission is required for off-campus field trips organized by the school.
Plan vacations during school holidays to avoid taking long leaves and disrupting the learning experience

Keep your child’s information card updated for timely emergency contact and provide alternative emergency contact numbers.

All visitors must check in at the front office for safety and wear a visitor’s pass.

Inform the office if a child will be late to avoid disruption.

Provide a signed note in case your child has to leave school between classes.
Regular attendance and punctuality are required. Inform the school of absences through parental notes or calls for safety and record-keeping.