NH Goel

Giving dreams the right direction

Our dedication to students goes beyond the academics. We actively prepare them for aptitude tests, helping them realize potential career paths that align with their interests and skills. Our C4 cell is specifically established for this purpose. This facility deals with career counselling, interview training, and more, so the students are ready to face any dynamics of the real world.

C4 cell for career counseling

As an integral part of our school, our dedicated career counseling cell empowers students with comprehensive support for their journey ahead. We offer a holistic approach to ensure students confidently navigate their future. Here’s a glance at how students benefit from the C4 cell:


Evaluating student’s interests, strengths and personality traits to identify potential career paths that align with their characteristics.

Alumni talk shows

Exposing students to various career and education paths, we conduct talk shows featuring alumni who provide valuable insights.

Interview preparation

Coaching students with interview techniques, providing mock interviews and offering guidance on answering common interview questions.

Application assistance

Aiding in applying to universities. This includes helping students write (SOPs) and properly uploading required documents.

Insightful sessions

Organizing sessions with professionals and university representatives, both from within the country and internationally.

Admission fair

Arranging admission fairs for students and stakeholders, providing opportunities to explore various educational options.

Enabling exposure

Conducting field visits and creating internship opportunities to help students get first-hand experience of diverse careers.

G. D. Goel Scholarships for meritorious students

Through the Student’s Achievement Endowment Programme, we proudly reward academic excellence through merit-based scholarships. These accolades celebrate the remarkable achievements of students who consistently excel. Beyond recognition, these alleviate financial constraints, enabling recipients to pursue their aspirations without hindrance.

For grades 6th to 9th, the endowment is:

For grade 10 students, based on their results, the following tuition waiver will be offered to the top 25 positions

490-500—100% tuition fee scholarship
480-489—75% tuition fee scholarship
470-479—50% tuition fee scholarship

460-469—40% tuition fee scholarship

450-459—30% tuition fee scholarship
Tuition fee waiver will be determined based on nationally comparable scores, ranging from 80% to 90% (top 5 positions will be awarded scholarships)